excel - For or While loop to find data and paste it into correct location -

this simple questions have been unable find answer. i'm trying iterate through column of operator names on 1 worksheet appear on worksheet in same workbook. each name want trigger if statement pulls data original worksheet pastes data in cell next operator's name. problem i'm having don't know how set loops. code below, know mess because cannot loop variables defind correctly (it gives compile error "next without for" right now). appriciated.

sub operatorscrap()  dim str_datemin string dim str_datemax string dim datemin date dim datemax date dim lastrow long dim subtotal double dim lookupdate date dim subtotal2 dim oprange dim orange variant dim opname dim scraprange dim scrapr variant  oprange = "b32:b" & range("b" & cells.rows.count).end(xlup).row scraprange = "c32:c" & range("c" & cells.rows.count).end(xlup).row lastrow = sheet1.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).offset(0, 0).row   subtotal = 0 subtotal2 = 0  str_datemin = inputbox("input beginning date, mm/dd/yyyy:") str_datemax = inputbox("input end date, mm/dd/yyyy:") datemin = cdate(str_datemin) datemax = cdate(str_datemax)  scrapr = 1 scraprange orange = 1 oprange while oprange = "daniel" oprange = oprange + 1 lrow = 2 lastrow  lookupdate = sheets("sheet1").cells(lrow, "ar").value opname = "daniel"  if datemin <= lookupdate , lookupdate <= datemax , sheets("sheet1").cells(lrow, "a").value   _=   opname     subtotal = subtotal + sheets("sheet1").cells(lrow, "av").value     subtotal2 = subtotal2 + sheets("sheet1").cells(lrow, "n").value end if next lrow next orange  if subtotal2 <> 0 sheets("scrap").activate range("c32").value = (subtotal) / subtotal2 end if  if subtotal2 = 0 activesheet.range("b32").entirerow.delete end if next scrapr   subtotal = 0 subtotal2 = 0   loop   end sub 

declare range variables ranges:

dim oprange range dim scraprange range dim long 'use counter in loops 

assign them thusly:

set oprange = range("b32:b" & range("b" & cells.rows.count).end(xlup).row) 

assign scraprange using offset method: 1 column right of oprange:

set scraprange = oprange.offset(0,1) 


lastrow = sheet1.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).offset(0, 0).row  subtotal = 0 subtotal2 = 0  str_datemin = inputbox("input beginning date, mm/dd/yyyy:") str_datemax = inputbox("input end date, mm/dd/yyyy:") datemin = cdate(str_datemin) datemax = cdate(str_datemax)   'since oprange , scraprange same size, can iterate them in parallel  ' counter variable, "i"  = 1 oprange.cells.count      'you can remove these 2 lines, use them debug     msgbox oprange.cells(i, 1).value     msgbox scraprange.cells(i, 1).value      'i think need:     '  sets opname based on currenty "i" cell in iteration of oprange     '  each iteration of "i" give different value based on oprange     opname = oprange.cells(i, 1).value      'this iterates worksheet , lookup:     lrow = 2 lastrow          lookupdate = sheets("sheet1").cells(lrow, "ar").value          if datemin <= lookupdate , _                lookupdate <= datemax , _                sheets("sheet1").cells(lrow, "a").value = opname             subtotal = subtotal + sheets("sheet1").cells(lrow, "av").value            subtotal2 = subtotal2 + sheets("sheet1").cells(lrow, "n").value         end if     next lrow       if subtotal2 <> 0         sheets("scrap").range("c32").value = (subtotal) / subtotal2     end if      if subtotal2 = 0         sheets("scrap").range("b32").entirerow.delete     end if      'reset subtotals:     subtotal = 0     subtotal2 = 0  next 


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