i've been working on trigger mysql couple hours now, , can't figure out what's wrong.

here table structure:

create table if not exists `rentalvideo` (   `orderid` int(11) not null,   `videobarcode` int(11) not null,   `rentalreturned` tinyint(1) not null default '0',   primary key (`orderid`,`videobarcode`),   key `rentalvideo_videobarcode_fk` (`videobarcode`) ) 

here's sample data:

insert `rentalvideo` (`orderid`, `videobarcode`, `rentalreturned`) values (1, 223823, 0), (1, 447956, 0), (3, 705481, 0), (4, 988908, 0), (5, 143375, 0); 

here's trigger that's not working:

create     trigger `rent_five_videos_max` before insert     on `bollywoo_video`.`rentalvideo` each row begin     -- variable declarations     declare vrentedvideos int;     declare vcustomer int;     -- trigger code      select rentalorder.custid     rentalorder     rentalorder.orderid = new.orderid     vcustomer;      select count(*)     rentalorder, rentalvideo     rentalorder.custid = vcustomer     , rentalvideo.rentalreturned = 0     , rentalorder.orderid = rentalvideo.videoid     vrentedvideos;      if vrentedvideos >= 5          call raise_application_error(-2000, 'cannot checkout more 5 videos');     end if;  end 

and last not least, error i'm getting:

error sql query:  create trigger `rent_five_videos_max` before insert on  `bollywoo_video`.`rentalvideo`  each row begin -- variable declarations  declare vrentedvideos int;   mysql said: documentation  #1064 - have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mariadb server version right syntax use near '' @ line 6  

the error appears occurring right before declare vrentedvideos int;

remove semicolon , try this

delimiter $$  create trigger `rent_five_videos_max` before insert on `bollywoo_video`.`rentalvideo` each row begin   ... end$$ delimiter ; 


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