sprite kit - wait action not working -

i have ball start moving impulse want wait 3 seconds before doing so. put code thinking it's not working.

    //add sprite scene [self addchild:ball];  skaction *wait = [skaction waitforduration:3];  [self runaction:wait];  //create vector cgvector myvector = cgvectormake(10, 25); //apply vector ballphysics body [ball.physicsbody applyimpulse:myvector]; 

wait applies other actions.

if want apply impulse after wait need add block action. once have wait action, , applyimpulse action put these 1 sequence. make sense?

    //add sprite scene     [self addchild:ball];      skaction *wait = [skaction waitforduration:3];      skaction *applyimpulse = [skaction runblock:^{         //create vector         cgvector myvector = cgvectormake(10, 25);         //apply vector ballphysics body         [ball.physicsbody applyimpulse:myvector];     }];      [self runaction:[skaction sequence:@[         wait,         applyimpulse     ]]]; 


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