arrays - assembly program to sort in special way? help please? -

8086 assembly language program sorts array follows: smallest value in array should placed in first cell. second smallest value in last cell. third smallest value in second cell of array. fourth smallest value placed in before-last cell of array. • above procedure continues until array sorted. note in above-described sorting technique, large values in initial array end being placed @ middle part of array

here code sorting in normal way :

org 100h  .model  small     .data             table   db      9,2,6,8,5,1               b       db      6 dup(0)             val1    db      5             nl      db     ' ','$'          .code              mov ax,@data             mov ds,ax             lea bx,table             mov dl,val1          lbl1:             lea bx,table             mov cl,5          lbl2:             mov al,[bx]             mov dl,[bx+1]             cmp al,dl             jb lbl3             mov [bx],dl             mov [bx+1],al          lbl3:             inc bx             loop lbl2             mov dl,val1             dec dl             mov val1,dl             cmp dl,00             jne lbl1             mov cl,6             lea bx,table                 display:               lea dx,nl             mov ah,09h             int 21h             mov dl,[bx]             add dl,30h             mov ah,02h             int 21h             inc bx              inc bx              loop display             mov ah,4ch             int 21h        ret 


mov cl, val1 


mov cl, [val1] 

this way moves content of val1 (the number 5) cl. in code above, move offset of val1 cl (the same lea cl, val1).


  1. Hello Admin,

    It is conceivable to pass contentions to capacities by reference. This implies a reference to the variable is controlled by the capacity as opposed to a duplicate of the variable's worth.




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