vb.net - How to automatically restart a program after it's closed -

i'm developing timer kids automatically shut down computer once time , trying figure out way program automatically restart if closed via task manager. i've posted code program bellow if it's help.

imports system imports system.io imports system.text imports system.collections.generic public class digparent 'add startupp: ' my.computer.registry.localmachine.opensubkey("software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run", true).setvalue(application.productname, application.executablepath)  'remove startup 'my.computer.registry.localmachine.opensubkey("software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run", true).deletevalue(application.productname)  'use application setting boolean not add same application startup more once 'charge feature    'to ' 'wrongn height when make timer unstopable 'above dim x, y integer dim newpoint new system.drawing.point public second integer public checkdone boolean public checkoff boolean public unstop boolean dim mondayt string dim tuesdayt string dim wendsdayt string dim thursdayt string dim fridayt string dim saturdayt string dim sundayt string private sub form2_load(sender object, e eventargs) handles mybase.load     ' //     '    //     '   //     '  //start reader     ' //     dim timeinfo string = "c:\users\digiparent\desktop\project data\good.txt"     ' io.file.setattributes("c:\users\digiparent\desktop\project data\digitimeinfo.txt", io.fileattributes.hidden)      dim timechecker new system.io.streamwriter(timeinfo, true)     timechecker.close()     dim readertime new system.io.streamreader(timeinfo, encoding.default)     dim texttime string = readertime.readtoend     readertime.close()     if texttime = ""         dim timeobjwriter new system.io.streamwriter(timeinfo, true)         timeobjwriter.write(",,,,")         timeobjwriter.close()     end if     dim startup string = "c:\users\digiparent\desktop\project data\good.txt"     dim reader new system.io.streamreader(startup, encoding.default)     dim data string = reader.readtoend     dim arytextfile(6) string     arytextfile = data.split(",")     mondayt = arytextfile(0)     tuesdayt = arytextfile(1)     wendsdayt = arytextfile(2)     thursdayt = arytextfile(3)     fridayt = arytextfile(4)     '     'enable saturday , sunday     '     'saturdayt = arytextfile(5)     'sundayt = arytextfile(6)     reader.close()      '    //     '   //     '  //finish reader     ' //  end sub  private sub panel2_mousemove(sender object, e mouseeventargs) handles panel2.mousemove, time.mousemove, timeup.mousemove     if unstop = true         if e.button = windows.forms.mousebuttons.left             newpoint = control.mouseposition             newpoint.x -= (x)             newpoint.y -= (y)             me.location = newpoint         end if     end if end sub    private sub panel2_mousedown(sender object, e mouseeventargs) handles panel2.mousedown, time.mousedown, timeup.mousedown     if unstop = true         x = control.mouseposition.x - me.location.x         y = control.mouseposition.y - me.location.y     end if end sub  private sub timer1_tick(sender object, e eventargs) handles timer1.tick     numericupdownhrs.left -= 40     numericupdownmin.left -= 40     numericupdownsec.left -= 29 '25     hourstxt.left -= 40     minutestxt.left -= 30     secondstxt.left -= 30     panel1.left -= 30     radiobutton2.left -= 30     radiobutton1.left -= 30     label4.left -= 30     label5.left -= 30     button4.left -= 30     time.left -= 30     timeup.left -= 30     if radiobutton1.location = radiobutton5.location         timer1.stop()      else     end if     if me.height < 265         me.height = me.height + 1     end if   end sub  private sub button1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button1.click     more.visible = false     updateb.visible = false     feedbackb.visible = false     timer1.start()     button1.visible = false end sub  private sub radiobutton5_checkedchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles radiobutton5.checkedchanged  end sub  private sub button4_click(snder object, e eventargs) handles button4.click     my.settings.data = true     if radiobutton6.checked = true         my.settings.unstopable = true         me.formborderstyle = windows.forms.formborderstyle.none         me.showintaskbar = false         me.controlbox = false         me.text = ""         me.showicon = false         me.showintaskbar = false         me.controlbox = false         unstop = true         me.height = 149     else         my.settings.unstopable = false     end if     if radiobutton1.checked = true         my.settings.shutdown = true         checkoff = true         ' system.diagnostics.process.start("shutdown", "/s")     else         my.settings.shutdown = false     end if     vhrs = numericupdownhrs.value     vmin = numericupdownmin.value     vsec = numericupdownsec.value     my.settings.hours = vhrs     my.settings.min = vmin     my.settings.second = vsec     picturebox1.dock = dockstyle.none     picturebox1.visible = false     starttime.start()     realtimer.start() end sub public hrs integer  'number of hours   ' public min integer  'number of minutes ' public sec integer  'number of sec     ' public function gettime(time integer) string     'seconds'     sec = time mod 60      'minutes'     min = ((time - sec) / 60) mod 60      'hours'     hrs = ((time - (sec + (min * 60))) / 3600) mod 60     return format(hrs, "00") & ":" & format(min, "00") & ":" & format(sec, "00") end function private sub realtimer_tick(sender object, e eventargs) handles realtimer.tick     second = second + 1     time.text = gettime(second)     'now     if min >= vmin , hrs >= vhrs , sec >= vsec         checkdone = true         me.topmost = true         'me.formborderstyle = windows.forms.formborderstyle.fixedsingle         endtime.start()         if unstop = true             closeb.visible = true         end if         realtimer.stop()     end if     if checkdone = true , checkoff = true          endtime.start()         system.diagnostics.process.start("shutdown", "/s")     end if end sub  private sub starttime_tick(sender object, e eventargs) handles starttime.tick     time.left -= 30     panel1.left -= 30     radiobutton2.left -= 30     radiobutton1.left -= 30     label4.left -= 30     label5.left -= 30     button4.left -= 30     timeup.left -= 30     if time.location = label2.location         starttime.stop()     end if     if me.height > 189         me.height = me.height - 5     end if end sub   private sub endtime_tick(sender object, e eventargs) handles endtime.tick     time.left -= 30     timeup.left -= 30     if timeup.location = labeltimeup.location          endtime.stop()     end if end sub  private sub more_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles more.click     form3.show()     'more.visible = false     'moretimer.start() end sub  private sub moretimer_tick(sender object, e eventargs) handles moretimer.tick     if updateb.location = updatebutton.location         moretimer.stop()     end if     feedbackb.left += 15     updateb.left -= 15 end sub  private sub updateb_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles updateb.click     system.diagnostics.process.start("http://digiparent.weebly.com/beta-20-update.html") end sub  private sub feedbackb_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles feedbackb.click     system.diagnostics.process.start("http://digiparent.weebly.com/feedback.html") end sub   private sub closeb_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles closeb.click     me.close() end sub  private sub button2_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button2.click     numericupdownsec.value = my.settings.second     numericupdownmin.value = my.settings.min     numericupdownhrs.value = my.settings.hours     if my.settings.shutdown = true         radiobutton1.checked = true     end if     if my.settings.unstopable = true         radiobutton6.checked = true     end if     button2.visible = false end sub  private sub numericchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles numericupdownsec.valuechanged, numericupdownmin.valuechanged, numericupdownhrs.valuechanged     if numericupdownsec.value = 0 ' numericupdownhrs.value = 0  numericupdownmin.value = 0          if numericupdownhrs.value = 0             if numericupdownmin.value = 0                  button2.visible = true             else                 button2.visible = false             end if          else             button2.visible = false         end if     else         button2.visible = false     end if     end sub  private sub label4_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles label4.click  end sub    end class 

here's basic windowless watchdog app.

start standard winforms project. add module. add public sub main it. go project --> properties --> application tab, , uncheck "enable application framework" box. above that, change "startup object:" dropdown "form1" "sub main".

the code...

module module1      public sub main()         application.run(new watchdog)     end sub  end module  public class watchdog     inherits applicationcontext      private apptowatch string     private fullpath string = "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"      private withevents p process      public sub new()         apptowatch = system.io.path.getfilenamewithoutextension(fullpath)         dim ps() process = process.getprocessesbyname(apptowatch)         if ps.length = 0             startit()         else             p = ps(0)             p.enableraisingevents = true         end if     end sub      private sub p_exited(sender object, e eventargs) handles p.exited         startit()     end sub      private sub startit()         p = process.start(fullpath)         p.enableraisingevents = true     end sub  end class 


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