php - Apache 2.4 SSL 1.0.1 ports conflicting -

have apache enviornment hosting php based website. having issues configuring ssl. httpd-ssl.conf file pointing port 443. changed assumed needed point same port configured within httpd.conf

the following of important httpd.conf configurations

listen 882 <virtualhost *:882>         serveradmin         documentroot "/u/apache/htdocs/hil"         servername server1 </virtualhost> <virtualhost *:882>         serveradmin         documentroot "/u/apache/htdocs/hil"         servername server1         <directory "/u/apache/htdocs/hil">                  order allow,deny            allow            # new directive needed in apache 2.4.3:            require granted         </directory> </virtualhost>  <ifmodule mod_rewrite>     rewriteengine on     rewritecond %{request_method} ^(trace|track)     rewriterule .* - [f] </ifmodule>  traceenable off  

below have configured httpd-ssl.conf file. configured ports on same port @ httpd.conf, dont know if correct or not.

listen 882 sslciphersuite high:medium:!anull:!md5 sslpassphrasedialog  builtin sslsessioncache        "shmcb:/u/apache/logs/ssl_scache(512000)" sslsessioncachetimeout  300  <virtualhost _default_:882>  #   general setup virtual host documentroot "/u/apache/htdocs" servername server1:882 serveradmin errorlog "/u/apache/logs/error_log" transferlog "/u/apache/logs/access_log"   sslengine on   sslcertificatefile "/u/apache/conf/extra/certs/qa.cer" sslcertificatekeyfile "/u/apache/conf/extra/certs/qa.key" 

when start httpd following error

(98)address in use: ah00072: make_sock: not bind address no listening sockets available, shutting down ah00015: unable open logs 


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