jquery - jqgrid paging buttons not enabled -
i don't see wrong code paging buttons not displayed
function loadagencies(action, user, fa) { $grid = $("#grdagencies"); $grid.jqgrid({ url: "dhfollowup.ashx?1=1", postdata: { action: action, user: user, fano: fa }, height: 320, width: 760, datatype: "json", mtype: "get", colnames: ['mark reports', 'oa #', 'oper. agency', 'ob #', 'building name','survey count', 'cadr', 'select', 'entid'], colmodel: [ { name: 'ab', index: 'ab', width: 45, formatter: 'checkbox', formatoptions: { disabled: false }, align: 'center', sortable: false, search: false, hidden: true}, //, align: 'center' { name: 'oano', index: 'oano', width: 30, sortable: false, search: false, align: 'center', editable: false }, { name: 'oanm', index: 'oanm', width: 125, sortable: true, search: true, align: 'left', editable: false }, { name: 'obno', index: 'obno', width: 30, sortable: false, search: false, align: 'center', editable: false }, { name: 'obnm', index: 'obnm', width: 125, sortable: true, search: true, align: 'left', editable: false }, { name: 'fcnt', index: 'fcnt', width: 60, sortable: false, search: false, align: 'center', editable: false }, { name: 'ab1', index: 'ab1', width: 40, sortable: false, search: false, align: 'center', formatter: cadrlink}, // { name: 'ab2', index: 'ab2', width: 40, sortable: false, search: false, align: 'center', formatter: surveylink}, // { name: 'entid', index: 'entid', width: 10, hidden: true }, ], emptyrecords: "no records agency", loadtext: "loading agency records...", viewrecords: true, gridview: true, rownum: 1, rowlist: [1,2,5], contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8", caption: "follow agencies", multiselect: true, pgbuttons: true, pager: '#pgrdagencies', gridcomplete: function () { }, // end of gridcomplete onsortcol: function (index, idxcol, sortorder) { if (this.p.lastsort >= 0 && this.p.lastsort !== idxcol && this.p.colmodel[this.p.lastsort].sortable !== false) { $(this.grid.headers[this.p.lastsort].el).find(">div.ui-jqgrid-sortable>span.s-ico").show(); } }, loaderror: function (xhr, status, error) { msgbox("loading followup agency grid: " + error); } //end of loaderror }); // end of grdagencies colmodel = $grid.jqgrid('getgridparam', 'colmodel'); $('#gbox_' + $.jgrid.jqid($grid[0].id) + ' tr.ui-jqgrid-labels th.ui-th-column').each(function (i) { var cmi = colmodel[i], colname = cmi.name; if (cmi.sortable !== false) { $(this).find('>div.ui-jqgrid-sortable>span.s-ico').show(); } else if (!cmi.sortable && colname !== 'rn' && colname !== 'cb' && colname !== 'subgrid') { $(this).find('>div.ui-jqgrid-sortable').css({ cursor: 'default' }); } }); var agencygrid = jquery("#grdagencies").jqgrid('navgrid', "#pgrdagencies", { edit: false, add: false, del: false, search: false, refresh: false }); jquery("#grdagencies").jqgrid('navbuttonadd', "#pgrdagencies", { caption: "toggle search", title: "toggle search toolbar", buttonicon: 'ui-icon-pin-s', onclickbutton: function () { agencygrid[0].toggletoolbar() } }); jquery("#grdagencies").jqgrid('navbuttonadd', "#pgrdagencies", { caption: "clear search", title: "clear search", buttonicon: 'ui-icon-refresh', onclickbutton: function () { agencygrid[0].cleartoolbar() } }); jquery("#grdagencies").jqgrid('filtertoolbar');
} // end of loadagencys
there dropdown list user selects in order populate grid. grid structure display on page when page opened. code that:
$('#ddlselectfa').change(function () { if ($('#ddlselectfa').val() == 0) { msgbox('please select fiscal agency'); } else { $('#grdagencies').jqgrid('setgridparam', { postdata: { action: "manageagencies", user: $('#hdflduser').val(), fano: $('#ddlselectfa').val() } }).trigger("reloadgrid"); } }); // end of ddlselectfa change
i hope above sufficient idea why not seeing buttons though have (4) records , displaying 1 per page.
thank you
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