windows - Vagrant - Unable to sync folder from secondary drive -

whenever run vagrant up, same error:

$ vagrant bringing machine 'www' 'virtualbox' provider... there errors in configuration of machine. please fix following errors , try again:  vm: * host path of shared folder missing: /d/project 

and here relevant setup in vagrantfile:

config.vm.synced_folder "d:\\cq", "/var/www/project",     owner: "www-data", group: "www-data" 

my directory setup bit weird, maybe issue lies there. i'll list out can think of might causing vagrant up fail.

  • my project lives in d:\ drive (not primary c:\ drive).
  • source directory (java project) contained within target directory. want sync target dir (including sub-dir source)
  • host machine win7, box ubuntu/trusty64 per this article

i'm getting started vagrant, i'm sure i'm missing obvious, research isn't turning useful. i've tried adding...

config.vm.provider :virtualbox |vb|     vb.customize ["setextradata", :id, "vboxinternal2/sharedfoldersenablesymlinkscreate/vagrant", "1"] end 

...per, no avail. if there else can provide troubleshoot issue, please let me know!

i replicate error , seems related string formatting. in windows vagrant file use this:

config.vm.synced_folder "d:/tmp", "/var/www/html" 

try changing path forward slash , use one. noted error message looks /d/project should understand d:\project. folder needs exist in drive.


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