amazon web services - Ansible EC2 - Perform operation on set of instances -

this obvious, how execute operation against set of servers in ansible (this ec2 plugin)?

i can create instances:

--- - hosts:   connection: local  - name: launch instances       local_action:         module: ec2         region: us-west-1         group: cassandra         keypair: cassandra         instance_type: t2.micro         image: ami-4b6f650e         count: 1         wait: yes       register: cass_ec2 

and can put instances tag:

   - name: add tag instances       local_action: ec2_tag resource={{ }} region=us-west-1 state=present       with_items: cass_ec2.instances       args:         tags:           name: cassandra 

now, let's want run operation on each server:

# not work - runs command on localhost - name: test - touch file   file: path=/test.txt state=touch   with_items: cass_ec2.instances 

how run command against remote instances created?

for running against newly created servers, use temporary group name , following using second play in same playbook:

- hosts: localhost   tasks:     - name: run ec2 create server code here       ...       register: cass_ec2      - name: add host inventory       add_host: name={{ item.private_ip }} groups=newinstances       with_items: cas_ec2.instances  - hosts: newinstances   tasks:     - name: fun stuff on new instances here 

alternatively if have consistently tagged servers (and multiple tags if have differentiate between production , development; , using dynamic inventory script; , running against servers in second playbook run, can following:

- hosts: tag_name_cassandra   tasks:     - name: run cassandra specific tasks here 

personally use mode tag (tag_mode_production vs tag_mode_development) in above , force ansible run on servers of specific type (in case name=cassandra) in specific mode (development). looks following:

- hosts: tag_name_cassandra:&tag_mode_development 

just make sure specify tag name , value correctly - case sensitive...


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