xml - Which is the Real XMLSS? -
i'm working reading spreadsheet file exported web application we're developing. developer worked on export function informed me format xmlss.
this abridged sample of our application exports:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ss:workbook xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"> <ss:styles> <ss:style ss:id="1"> <ss:font ss:bold="1"/> </ss:style> </ss:styles> <ss:worksheet ss:name="sheet1"> <ss:table> <ss:row ss:styleid="1"> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">challenge id</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">challenge name</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">challenge date/time (local)</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">first name</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">last name</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">dob</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">gender</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">email</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">mobile number</ss:data> </ss:cell> </ss:row> <ss:row> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">509373</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">run furthest</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">january 04, 2015 8:11 am</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">john</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">smith</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">dec 25, 1984</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">male</ss:data> </ss:cell> <ss:cell> <ss:data ss:type="string">johnsmith@challengine.com</ss:data> </ss:cell> </ss:row> </ss:table> </ss:worksheet> </ss:workbook>
however, looked xmlss , found wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/microsoft_excel#file_formats
with example of xmlss:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/tr/rec-html40"> <worksheet ss:name="sheet1"> <table ss:expandedcolumncount="2" ss:expandedrowcount="2" x:fullcolumns="1" x:fullrows="1"> <row> <cell><data ss:type="string">name</data></cell> <cell><data ss:type="string">example</data></cell> </row> <row> <cell><data ss:type="string">value</data></cell> <cell><data ss:type="number">123</data></cell> </row> </table> </worksheet> </workbook>
these 2 examples seem quite different in format.
which 1 of these real xmlss?
or both, , there multiple specifications? if so, names of these specifications?
or if 1 of these isn't xmlss, it?
those extremely similar.
the differences are:
- the second doesn't have first row bold.
- the first doesn't summarise column , row counts.
- there different contents in cells.
- they use different namespace prefixes.
- a spreadsheet doesn't have have bold cells.
- the summaries counts optional. indeed, it's idea leave them out if you're producing such files yourself, being wrong causes errors being absent not.
- well, there be, wouldn't there.
- who cares?
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