angularjs - Test Angular controller calls service function exactly once using Jasmine -
i have following...
app.controller('testctrl', function(testservice){ testservice.dosomething(); }); app.service('testservice', function(){ this.dosomething = function(){...}; });
i want use jasmine ensure dosomething called once , once. seem having trouble doing this.
also, grabbing controller compiled element this...
var element = angular.element('<my-test-directive />'); controller = view.controller('testctrl');
so appreciation if fits sort of formatting
i tried this...
describe("testing", function () { var $rootscope, $scope, $compile, testservice, view, $controller; beforeeach(module("app")); function createcontroller() { return $controller('testctrl', { $scope: scope, testservice:testservice }); } function setupscope(_$controller_, _$compile_, _$rootscope_, _testservice_) { $compile = _$compile_; $rootscope = _$rootscope_; $scope = $rootscope.$new(); $controller = _$controller_; testservice = _testservice_; spyon(testservice, 'dosomething'); } setupscope.$inject = ["$controller","$compile", "$rootscope", "testservice"]; beforeeach(inject(setupscope)); it("on intitialization, controller should register list service", function(done){ createcontroller(); scope.$digest(); expect(workorderservice.dosomething).tohavebeencalled(); }) });
it seems work
it better test controller in isolation , use jasmine spies this:
spyon(testservice, 'dosomething'); expect(testservice.dosomething.calls.count()).toequal(0);
something should work in actual test.
describe('testctrl function', function() { describe('testctrl', function() { var $scope, testservice; beforeeach(module('myapp')); beforeeach(inject(function($rootscope, $controller, _testservice_) { $scope = $rootscope.$new(); testservice = _testservice_; spyon(testservice, 'dosomething'); $controller('mycontroller', {$scope: $scope}); })); it('should call testservice.dosomething()', function() { expect(testservice.dosomething.calls.count()).toequal(1); }); }); });
here quick plunkr
depending on version of jasmine using might need use
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