sql - Join with conditional IN with Doctrine2 -

not sure possible, looks should

in video entity, i've got manytoone associate product entity

here, trying acquire published products, , acquire videos belong product join

// productrepository.php public function findpublished() {     $q = $this->getentitymanager()->createquerybuilder();     $q->select(['p', 'v'])->from($this->getentityname(), 'p')         ->leftjoin('p.videos', 'v', 'on', 'p in v.products')         ->where('p.published = :published')         ->setparameter('published', true);      $results = $q->getquery()->getresult();      return $results; } 

the exception comes this:

[syntax error] line 0, col 76: error: expected end of string, got 'on' [1/2] queryexception: select p, v company\corebundle\entity\product p left join p.videos v on p in v.products p.published = :published 

if entities mapped correctly, don't need specify join condition. try this

$q->select(['p', 'v'])->from($this->getentityname(), 'p')     ->leftjoin('p.videos', 'v')     ->where('p.published = :published')     ->setparameter('published', true); 


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