caching - Magento + Varnish -> module double effect + show poll block even if disabled -

i'm hosted on siteground , have enbaled cache option (i'm using magento 1.9.1):

  • varnish static cache
  • varnish dynamic cache
  • memcached

unfortunately second 1 duplicate effect of minicart module, xml:

<layout version="0.1.0">   <default>   <reference name="head">             <action method="additem"><type>skin_js</type><name>js/hm/minicart.js</name><params/></action>             <action method="addcss"><stylesheet>css/hm/minicart.css</stylesheet></action>   </reference>   <reference name="header">             <reference name="top.links">                 <remove name="checkout_cart_link"/>                 <block type="minicart/view" name="minicart_toplink" template="minicart/toplink.phtml" >                     <block type="checkout/cart_sidebar" name="cart_sidebar" as="topcart" template="checkout/cart/sidebar.phtml"/>                 </block>                 <action method="addlinkblock"><blockname>minicart_toplink</blockname></action>                 <block type="checkout/links" name="checkout_cart_link_minicart">                     <action method="addcheckoutlink"></action>                 </block>             </reference>         </reference>   </default> </layout> 

and error: enter image description here have tried clean cache could, no success...

other problem (that don't know 1 of cache related to) doesn't allow me remove poll sidebar block, in particular module disable through admin panel , can't see related poll managment, block still displayed in frontend, had remove polls database avoid show block.
siteground said problem related theme, don't know put hands, since it's default theme xml , css edits.

we on siteground magento 1.9.1

we not use varnish dynamic cache since creates many problems our basic theme (few blocks changed). same on previous magento versions.

tried tickets it's due our (standard) theme.... no vdc either.

i suggest, turn off.

also, remember log out of magento , use incognito browser (mode) check site, header affected vdc well. refresh page in incognito browser fresh one.


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