Perl DBI Return install_driver(Oracle) failed -

i have problem when using padre ide write perl script as

#!/usr/bin/perl use dbi;  $dbh = dbi->connect('dbi:oracle:host=localhost;sid=orcl;port=1521', 'user', 'password', { raiseerror => 1, autocommit => 0 }); 

it raises error

*install_driver(oracle) failed: can't locate loadable object module dbd::oracle in @inc (@inc contains:d:/dwimperl/perl/site/lib d:/dwimperl/perl/vendor/libd:/dwimperl/perl/lib .) @ (eval 54) line 3 compilation failed in require @ (eval 54) line 3. perhaps module dbd::oracle requires hasn't been installedat line 19* 

but if manually run two-line perl script in command runs successfully.

try installing version of strawberry perl, ships dbd::oracle.

be sure read notes on site concerning oracle client , path setup.



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