Php Json get first element info -

so i'm using php twitter api grab list of tweets hashtag. i'm looking following info returned json; 'screen_name' , 'text'.

the screen_name on line 44 , text on line 20.

here json output.

object(stdclass)#5 (2) {   ["statuses"]=>   array(15) {     [0]=>     object(stdclass)#6 (24) {       ["metadata"]=>       object(stdclass)#7 (2) {         ["iso_language_code"]=>         string(2) "en"         ["result_type"]=>         string(6) "recent"       }       ["created_at"]=>       string(30) "fri dec 05 21:22:00 +0000 2014"       ["id"]=>       float(5.4097942452372e+17)       ["id_str"]=>       string(18) "540979424523718656"       ["text"]=>       string(100) "shits getting real. crit happens tonight. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #nerd #rpg"       ["source"]=>       string(59) "<a href="" rel="nofollow">instagram</a>"       ["truncated"]=>       bool(false)       ["in_reply_to_status_id"]=>       null       ["in_reply_to_status_id_str"]=>       null       ["in_reply_to_user_id"]=>       null       ["in_reply_to_user_id_str"]=>       null       ["in_reply_to_screen_name"]=>       null       ["user"]=>       object(stdclass)#8 (41) {         ["id"]=>         int(1297196190)         ["id_str"]=>         string(10) "1297196190"         ["name"]=>         string(12) "brandon wade"         ["screen_name"]=>         string(15) "brandonus_prime"         ["location"]=>         string(15) "the woods of nc"         ["profile_location"]=>         null         ["description"]=>         string(29) "if bleeds, can kill it."         ["url"]=>         string(22) ""         ["entities"]=>         object(stdclass)#9 (2) {           ["url"]=>           object(stdclass)#10 (1) {             ["urls"]=>             array(1) {               [0]=>               object(stdclass)#11 (4) {                 ["url"]=>                 string(22) ""                 ["expanded_url"]=>                 string(34) ""                 ["display_url"]=>                 string(27) ""                 ["indices"]=>                 array(2) {                   [0]=>                   int(0)                   [1]=>                   int(22)                 }               }             }           }           ["description"]=>           object(stdclass)#12 (1) {             ["urls"]=>             array(0) {             }           }         }         ["protected"]=>         bool(false)         ["followers_count"]=>         int(44)         ["friends_count"]=>         int(246)         ["listed_count"]=>         int(0)         ["created_at"]=>         string(30) "mon mar 25 01:10:47 +0000 2013"         ["favourites_count"]=>         int(18)         ["utc_offset"]=>         null         ["time_zone"]=>         null         ["geo_enabled"]=>         bool(false)         ["verified"]=>         bool(false)         ["statuses_count"]=>         int(170)         ["lang"]=>         string(2) "en"         ["contributors_enabled"]=>         bool(false)         ["is_translator"]=>         bool(false)         ["is_translation_enabled"]=>         bool(false)         ["profile_background_color"]=>         string(6) "c0deed"         ["profile_background_image_url"]=>         string(48) ""         ["profile_background_image_url_https"]=>         string(49) ""         ["profile_background_tile"]=>         bool(false)         ["profile_image_url"]=>         string(99) ""         ["profile_image_url_https"]=>         string(100) ""         ["profile_banner_url"]=>         string(59) ""         ["profile_link_color"]=>         string(6) "0084b4"         ["profile_sidebar_border_color"]=>         string(6) "c0deed"         ["profile_sidebar_fill_color"]=>         string(6) "ddeef6"         ["profile_text_color"]=>         string(6) "333333"         ["profile_use_background_image"]=>         bool(true)         ["default_profile"]=>         bool(true)         ["default_profile_image"]=>         bool(false)         ["following"]=>         bool(false)         ["follow_request_sent"]=>         bool(false)         ["notifications"]=>         bool(false)       }       ["geo"]=>       null       ["coordinates"]=>       null       ["place"]=>       null       ["contributors"]=>       null       ["retweet_count"]=>       int(0)       ["favorite_count"]=>       int(0)       ["entities"]=>       object(stdclass)#13 (4) {         ["hashtags"]=>         array(4) {           [0]=>           object(stdclass)#14 (2) {             ["text"]=>             string(3) "dnd"             ["indices"]=>             array(2) {               [0]=>               int(42)               [1]=>               int(46)             }           }           [1]=>           object(stdclass)#15 (2) {             ["text"]=>             string(18) "dungeonsanddragons"             ["indices"]=>             array(2) {               [0]=>               int(47)               [1]=>               int(66)             }           }           [2]=>           object(stdclass)#16 (2) {             ["text"]=>             string(4) "nerd"             ["indices"]=>             array(2) {               [0]=>               int(67)               [1]=>               int(72)             }           }           [3]=>           object(stdclass)#17 (2) {             ["text"]=>             string(3) "rpg"             ["indices"]=>             array(2) {               [0]=>               int(73)               [1]=>               int(77)             }           }         }         ["symbols"]=>         array(0) {         }         ["user_mentions"]=>         array(0) {         }         ["urls"]=>         array(1) {           [0]=>           object(stdclass)#18 (4) {             ["url"]=>             string(22) ""             ["expanded_url"]=>             string(34) ""             ["display_url"]=>             string(27) ""             ["indices"]=>             array(2) {               [0]=>               int(78)               [1]=>               int(100)             }           }         }       }       ["favorited"]=>       bool(false)       ["retweeted"]=>       bool(false)       ["possibly_sensitive"]=>       bool(false)       ["lang"]=>       string(2) "en"     } } 

here php code

<?php require_once 'twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php';  define('consumer_key', ''); define('consumer_secret', ''); define('access_token', '-'); define('access_token_secret', '');  $toa = new twitteroauth(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret);  $query = array(   "q" => "#nerd",   "result_type" => "recent" );  $results = $toa->get('search/tweets', $query);  var_dump($results); die();  foreach ($results->statuses $result) {   echo $result->user->screen_name . ": " . $result->text . "<br>"; } 

thanks ton! i've been trying while , need pointing in right direction :)


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