ios8 - Can't set constraints of UItableView's tableHeaderView height by autolayout in Storyboard -

i want screen shows 1 tableveiwcell headerview.i added uiview header view on top of uitableview "size classes" in storyboard(just drag uiview on top of uitableview), can compatible devices screen size in way.

so change header view's height constraints want to. when try that, cant set constraints headerview(xocde doesn't enable me select constrains in storyboard, image 2 below). below.

any ideas, thanks!

the project code here:


enter image description here

eidt: seems still can't set in storyboard.

then have change table header view's frame code update constraints.

uiview *v = self.tableview.tableheaderview; cgrect fr = v.frame; fr.size.height = [uiscreen mainscreen].bounds.size.height -100; v.frame = fr; [self.tableview updateconstraintsifneeded]; 

i think uiview doesn't have superview not showing constraints view.


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