Detecting csv files in newly sub-folder in PowerShell -

i have folder called c:\2014-15 , new sub folders created every month contain csv files i.e

  1. c:\2014-15\month 1\ltc
  2. c:\2014-15\month 2\ltc
  3. c:\2014-15\month 3\ltc

how write script detect when ltc sub folder created every month , move csv files n:\test?


$folder = 'c:\2014-15' $filter = '*.*' $destination = 'n:test\' $fsw = new-object io.filesystemwatcher $folder, $filter -property @{ includesubdirectories = $true  notifyfilter = [io.notifyfilters]'filename, lastwrite' } $oncreated = register-objectevent $fsw created -sourceidentifier filecreated -action { $path = $event.sourceeventargs.fullpath $name = $ $changetype = $event.sourceeventargs.changetype $timestamp = $event.timegenerated write-host copy-item -path $path -destination $destination  } 

the error is:

register-objectevent : cannot subscribe event. subscriber source identifier 'filecreated' exists. @ line:8 char:34 + $oncreated = register-objectevent <<<< $fsw created -sourceidentifier filecreated -action { + categoryinfo : invalidargument: ( [register-objectevent], argumentexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : subscriber_exists,microsoft.powershell.commands.registerobjecteventcommand

credit post.

notify on different event: [io.notifyfilters]'directoryname'. removes need $filter since filename events not relevant.

you should notify renamed folders and created folders, making final script this

$folder = 'c:\2014-15' $destination = 'n:\test'  $fsw = new-object $folder -property @{    includesubdirectories = $true    notifyfilter = [io.notifyfilters]'directoryname' }  $created = register-objectevent $fsw -eventname created -action {    $item = get-item $eventargs.fullpath    if ($ -ilike "ltc") {       # stuff:       copy-item -path $folder -destination $destination    } }  $renamed = register-objectevent $fsw -eventname renamed -action {    $item = get-item $eventargs.fullpath    if ($ -ilike "ltc") {       # stuff:       copy-item -path $folder -destination $destination     } } 

from same console can unregister since console knows $created , $renamed:

unregister-event $ unregister-event $ 

otherwise need use bit uglier:

unregister-event -sourceidentifier created -force unregister-event -sourceidentifier renamed -force 

also, question. didn't realise these event captures existed in powershell until now...


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