browserify - Jest and Bower Module loading in jest tests -
lets have project uses bower, grunt, bowerify(with shim) , since love jest want test that. how in world jest see browserify shim modules when runs tests. use grunt, kick off npm test command. here package.json file.
"browser": { "jquery": "./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js", "foundation": "./bower_components/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.js", "fastclick": "./bower_components/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js", "greensock-tm": "./bower_components/gsap/src/uncompressed/tweenmax.js", "greensock-css": "./bower_components/gsap/src/uncompressed/plugins/cssplugin.js", "greensock-time": "./bower_components/gsap/src/uncompressed/timelinemax.js", "scrollmagic": "./bower_components/scrollmagic/js/jquery.scrollmagic.js", "handlebars": "./bower_components/handlebars/handlebars.runtime.js" }, "browserify-shim": { "jquery": "$", "greensock-css": "cssplugin", "fastclick": "fastclick", "greensock-tm": "tweenmax", "greensock-time": "timelinemax", "scrollmagic": "scrollmagic", "foundation": "foundation", "handlebars": "handlebars" }, "browserify": { "transform": [ "browserify-shim" ] },
right have worked out doing in grunt file before run test.
grunt.registertask("shimbowerfortests",function(){ var readjson = require('read-package-json'); var fs = require('fs'); var remapify = require('remapify'); readjson('./package.json', console.error, false, function (er, data) { if (er) { throw "there error reading file"; } var packages = data.browser; var browserify = require('browserify'); (var key in packages){ var b = browserify(); var wstream = fs.createwritestream("devjs/test/modules/"+key+'.js'); b.add(packages[key]); b.bundle().pipe(wstream); } }); });
exec: { jesttest: { command: 'cp -r devjs/modules devjs/test/modules && npm test' } }
the problem using browserify combine browser works great setup , can require shimmed modules this. require('jquery') //example
in jest cli test fail because can find module unless somehow prefix ./, require('./jquery')
i'm guessing problem you've installed shimmed modules bower. if want them work in node/jest, you'll have install them npm well. make sure jest isn't mocking in node_modules directory, , should find required modules in there long names match up.
your jest config in package.json
should like:
"jest": { "unmockedmodulepathpatterns": [ "./node_modules" ] }
and download dependencies.
npm install jquery --save-dev
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