ios - ReactiveCocoa repeat command does not use modified values -
i trying write code iterates forever, , here how have written it:
- (void) testrepeat { __block dataclass * dc = [[dataclass alloc] init]; [[[[self repeatfunc:dc ] donext:^(id x) { dc = nil; }] repeat] subscribenext:^(id x) { nslog(@"next"); } completed:^{ nslog(@"completed"); }]; } - (racsignal *) repeatfunc: (dataclass *) dc { return [racsignal createsignal:^racdisposable *(id<racsubscriber> subscriber) { nslog(@"dc : %@", dc); [subscriber sendnext:nil]; [subscriber sendcompleted]; return nil; }]; }
the first time code iterates, value object "dc" correct. after first call repeatfunc, setting "dc" nil, however, when iterates back, change in "dc" not reflected , still previous value.
what correct way achieve above purpose?
the method -repeatfunc:
captures immutable reference own pointer dc
, , each repeat
sends reference, not local reference have nil
'd out.
it done so:
__block dataclass *dc = [[dataclass alloc] init]; racsignal *signal = [[[racsignal defer:^{ return [racsignal return:dc]; }] donext:^(id x) { dc = nil; }] repeat];
but more functional way express be:
[[[racsignal return:nil] repeat] startwith:dc];
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