graph - SAS Dynamic Output Save Files -

i using proc template , sgrender , outputting ods based on class variable (classvar). need output title update each graph name of class variable. here example of code:

proc template;   define statgraph heatmapparm;   dynamic _byval_;     begingraph;       entrytitle _byval_;       layout overlay;         heatmapparm x=x_var y=y_var colorresponse=percent / colormodel=(blue yellow red)           name="heatmapparm" xbinaxis=false ybinaxis=false datatransparency=.5;         continuouslegend "heatmapparm" / location=outside valign=bottom;       endlayout;     endgraph;   end; run;  proc sgrender data=roundfreq template=heatmapparm;     situation; run; 

thank help!

this works in sas 9.3+ believe. version of sas have?

proc template; define statgraph scatter; dynamic _x _y _byval_;   begingraph;  entrytitle "scatter plot of " _x " " _y " sex = " _byval_;    layout overlay;      scatterplot x=_x y=_y;    endlayout;  endgraph; end;  run;  proc sort data=sashelp.class out=class; sex; run;  proc sgrender data=class           template=scatter;  sex; dynamic _x='height' _y='weight'; run; 


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