wordpress - (jQuery Autocomplete) Disable keyboard commands? -

i'm building custom jquery-ui autocomplete wordpress. entering searchterm (in input id="s")lists suggestions, sorted/filed under categories , clicking on list-item, links respective page. (the page loaded via .load)

so far works, autocomplete has built-in keyboard function. need remove keyboard functionalities. default, pressing up/down-arrow keys, previous/next list-item focused , input field gets value of focused list-item.

for example: entering "searchterm" give list:    suggestion-item 1    suggestion-item 2    suggestion-item 3    suggestion-item 4  pressing down-key replace "searchterm" "suggestion-item-1", etc. pressing enter select focused item , close menu. 

can me on how remove these keyboard-functionalities (see on jquery autocomple -> keyboard interactions)?

basically want take user own search-results page entered "searchterm", if enter pressed. default behaviour of search-input.

here's js:

(function( $ ) {   $(function() {      // modify autocomplete structure     $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {          // how render items         _renderitem: function( ul, item ) {             return $( "<li>" )             //.append( "<div style='display: inline-block; width: 100px;'>" + item.number + "</div><div style='display: inline-block; width: 600px;'>" + item.label + "</div>" )             .append(    "<article class='project' role='article'>" +                           "<header class='project-header'>" +                          "<h2 class='project-number col1'>" + "[&thinsp;#&thinsp;" + item.number + "&thinsp;]" + "</h2>" +                         "<a href='" + item.link + "' rel='bookmark'>" +                          "<h2 class='project-title col2'>" + "[&thinsp;#&thinsp;" + item.label + "&thinsp;]" + "</h2>" +                                                  "</a>" +                          "</header>" +                          "</article>")             .appendto( ul );         },          // how render list         _rendermenu: function( ul, items ) {             var = this;             var currenttag = "";             $.each( items, function( index, item ) {                 var li;                 if(item.tag != currenttag) {                     ul.append(  "<li class='acsearch-tag'>" +                                  "<h2 class='col2'>" + item.tag + "</h2>" +                                 "</li>");                     currenttag = item.tag;                 }                 li = that._renderitemdata( ul, item );                 if(item.tag) {                     li;                 }             });         }      });      var url = myautocomplete.url + "?action=my_search";     // bind autocomplete future instances     $(document).on('focus', '#s:not(ui-autocomplete-input)', function(event) {         // autocomplete function         $(this).autocomplete({             appendto: '#acsearchlist',             position: { my:'left top', at:'left top', of:'#acsearchlist' },             source: url,             delay: 100,             minlength: 3,             response: function( event, ui ) {                 console.log(ui);             },             open: function( event, ui ) {                 $('#list').hide();                 $('.ui-autocomplete').css('width', '100%');             },             close: function( event, ui ) {                 $('#list').show();             },             focus: function( event, ui ) {                 event.preventdefault();             },             messages : {                 noresults : "",                 results : ""                 // function(count) {                 //  return count + (count > 1 ? ' recordings' : ' recording ') + ' found ';                 // }             },             // page transition on "selected" item             select: function (event, ui) {                 history.pushstate({}, '', ui.item.link);                 console.log(ui.item.link);                 acajaxload(ui.item.link);             }         });          });   }); })( jquery ); 



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