angularjs - trouble with angular and flask - error message vauge -

not able angular read in object fetched via service. error message in brower vauge, doesn't reference of code lines. checked via chrome developer tools , api call getting made. ideas?

error message:

typeerror: undefined not function     @ copy (     @     @ wrappedcallback (     @     @ object.scope.$eval (     @ object.scope.$digest (     @ object.scope.$apply (     @ done (     @ completerequest (     @ xmlhttprequest.xhr.onreadystatechange ( 


angular.module('angularflaskservices', ['ngresource'])   .factory('pic', function($resource) {     return $resource('/api/pic/:picid', {}, {       query: {         method: 'get',         params: { picid: '' },         isarray: true       }     });   }) ; 

angular controller:

function profilecontroller($scope, pic) {     var picsquery = pic.get(function(pics) {         $ = pics;     }); } 

flask view:

@app.route('/api/pic/') def on_recent():      if not session.has_key('access_token'):         return 'missing access token'     try:         api = client.instagramapi(access_token=session['access_token'])         recent_media, next = api.user_recent_media()         print recent_media         photos = []         media in recent_media:             if (media.type != "video"):                 photos.append({"picid": 1, "url": media.get_low_resolution_url()})     except exception e:         print(e)                   return json.dumps(photos)  

your service code looks not sure if have of dependencies injected properly.

var app = angular.module('myapp', ['angularflaskservices']); app.controller('profilecontroller', [   '$scope',   'pic',   function($scope, pic) {      var picsquery = pic.get(function(pics) {        $ = pics;      }); }]); 


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