google app engine - gcloud preview app setup-managed-vms gives errors - 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error -

i error while setting managed vms environment of google cloud on machine. here how had invoked command:

$ gcloud preview app setup-managed-vms select runtime download base image for:  [1] java  [2] python27  [3] go  [4] please enter numeric choice (4):  2  pulling base images runtimes [python27] google cloud storage pulling image: google/appengine-python27 traceback (most recent call last):   file "/home/tuxdna/software/google-cloud-sdk/./lib/googlecloudsdk/gcloud/", line 175, in <module>     main()   file "/home/tuxdna/software/google-cloud-sdk/./lib/googlecloudsdk/gcloud/", line 171, in main     _cli.execute()   file "/home/tuxdna/software/google-cloud-sdk/./lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 385, in execute     post_run_hooks=self.__post_run_hooks, kwargs=kwargs)   file "/home/tuxdna/software/google-cloud-sdk/./lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 274, in _execute     pre_run_hooks=pre_run_hooks, post_run_hooks=post_run_hooks)   file "/home/tuxdna/software/google-cloud-sdk/./lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 928, in run     result =   file "/home/tuxdna/software/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/appengine/app_commands/", line 39, in run     args.image_version)   file "/home/tuxdna/software/google-cloud-sdk/./lib/googlecloudsdk/appengine/lib/images/", line 54, in pullbasedockerimages     util.pullspecifiedimages(docker_client, image_names, version, bucket)   file "/home/tuxdna/software/google-cloud-sdk/./lib/googlecloudsdk/appengine/lib/images/", line 232, in pullspecifiedimages     'error pulling {image}: {e}'.format(image=image_name, e=e)) googlecloudsdk.appengine.lib.images.util.dockerpullerror: error pulling google/appengine-python27: 500 server error: internal server error ("invalid registry endpoint https://localhost:49154/v1/: https://localhost:49154/v1/_ping: read tcp connection reset peer. if private registry supports http or https unknown ca certificate, please add `--insecure-registry localhost:49154` daemon's arguments. in case of https, if have access registry's ca certificate, no need flag; place ca certificate @ /etc/docker/certs.d/localhost:49154/ca.crt") 

on server logs see:

$ tail -f /var/log/messages ....output skipped.... dec  6 01:02:40 localhost docker: [error] server.go:1207 handler post /images/create returned error: invalid registry endpoint https://localhost:49154/v1/: https://localhost:49154/v1/_ping: read tcp connection reset peer. if private registry supports http or https unknown ca certificate, please add `--insecure-registry localhost:49154` daemon's arguments. in case of https, if have access registry's ca certificate, no need flag; place ca certificate @ /etc/docker/certs.d/localhost:49154/ca.crt dec  6 01:02:40 localhost docker: [error] server.go:110 http error: statuscode=500 invalid registry endpoint https://localhost:49154/v1/: https://localhost:49154/v1/_ping: read tcp connection reset peer. if private registry supports http or https unknown ca certificate, please add `--insecure-registry localhost:49154` daemon's arguments. in case of https, if have access registry's ca certificate, no need flag; place ca certificate @ /etc/docker/certs.d/localhost:49154/ca.crt dec  6 01:02:40 localhost docker: [info] post /v1.10/containers/3581906e323a639e634961795e2877cf8afd5431f09db5962c9b10a825363605/kill ....output skipped.... 

now regarding machine/docker setup, have setup docker on fedora 20 show below:

$ docker --tlsverify -h tcp://localhost:4243 info containers: 14 images: 91 storage driver: devicemapper  pool name: docker-253:1-1704138-pool  pool blocksize: 65.54 kb  data file: /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/data  metadata file: /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/metadata  data space used: 3.783 gb  data space total: 107.4 gb  metadata space used: 6.14 mb  metadata space total: 2.147 gb  library version: 1.02.85 (2014-04-10) execution driver: native-0.2 kernel version: 3.17.3-200.fc20.x86_64 operating system: fedora 20 (heisenbug) 

i had setup tls described here:

so can do:

$ docker --tlsverify -h tcp://localhost:4243 images repository                    tag                 image id            created             virtual size gcloud-credentials-image      latest              a8e7cda4c92c        13 hours ago        2.434 mb ubuntu                        14.04               86ce37374f40        9 days ago          192.7 mb fedora                        latest              7d3f07f8de5f        9 weeks ago         374.1 mb  $ docker --tlsverify -h tcp://localhost:4243 ps -a container id        image                             command                created             status                     ports                     names 9fbb4918103b        google/docker-registry:latest     "/bin/sh -c 'cd /doc   13 hours ago        exited (-1) 13 hours ago                             jovial_nobel                        48b994c1bfb0        gcloud-credentials-image:latest   "/true"                13 hours ago        exited (0) 13 hours ago                              gcloud-credentials-1417757452.28    25c1be92b411        google/docker-registry:latest     "/bin/sh -c 'cd /doc   14 hours ago        exited (0) 14 hours ago                              pensive_heisenberg        

what doing wrong here?

thanks in advance.

in posted error output, shows it's trying connect on port 49154, seem able access images on localhost @ 4243. there way make these port numbers accord 1 another?


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