c++ - Invalid types of subscript error -

i having trouble in marked "median" function. getting error says `horse[10][double]' array subscript. not sure how fix , looking friendly help.

#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <math.h>  /* name: horses2 author: grant birkinbine date: 03/12/14 18:25 description: program modifies horses program */  //start  using namespace std;  //class  class horse{   private:           string name ;           int lane;           double time;    public:            horse(string hname , int hlane , double htime){                        name = hname ;                        lane = hlane ;                        time = htime;                        }           horse(){                   name = "" ;                   lane = 0 ;                   time = 0 ;                   }            void setname(string hname){                name = hname;                }           void setlane(int hlane){                lane = hlane;                }           void settime(double htime){                time = htime;                }            string getname (){                  return name ;                  }           int getlane(){                  return lane;                  }           double gettime(){                  return time;                  }            void print(){                cout << "horse name: " << name << endl;                cout << "horse lane: " << lane << endl;                cout << "horse time: " << time << endl;                cout << endl;                  }      };  //main  void insertion_sort(horse x[],int length);  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout << "horse race results: " << endl << endl; horse ahorse[10];  ahorse[0] = horse("american idol " , 1 , 45.41); ahorse[1] = horse("bababooey " , 2 , 42.42); ahorse[2] = horse("charlie horse " , 3 , 40.94); ahorse[3] = horse("dog biscuit " , 4 , 43.55); ahorse[4] = horse("echo " , 5 , 41.41); ahorse[5] = horse("firefox " , 6 , 42.58); ahorse[6] = horse("google " , 7 , 42.58); ahorse[7] = horse("hoof-hearted " , 8 , 44.57); ahorse[8] = horse("ima loozer " , 9 , 41.57); ahorse[9] = horse("just walking " , 10 , 50.00);   //sorting  int length = 10; insertion_sort(ahorse, length);  double avg; double x; double max; double min;  avg=0; x = 0; int abovea = 4 ; int belowa = 6 ; int abovem = 4 ; int belowm = 4 ;        //average        (int =0 ; i<10 ; i++ ) {       x = x + ahorse[i].gettime() ;       }        avg = (x / 10);         //max          for(int = 0 ; < 10 ; i++){                max = -1000;               if ( ahorse[i].gettime() > max){               max = ahorse[i].gettime();                }                }       //min         for(int = 0 ; < 10; ++){                min = 1000;               if ( ahorse[i].gettime() < min){                  min = ahorse[1].gettime() ;                             }                             }        for(int = 0; < 10; i++){               ahorse[i].print() ;               }        //median           double median;       if(ahorse[x].gettime() % 2 == 0){       median = (ahorse[10].gettime() / 2) + (ahorse[10].gettime() / 2 + 1) / 2;       }       else{       median = (ahorse[10].gettime() / 2) + 1;       }          cout << "average: " << avg << endl;       cout << "fastest time: " << min << endl;       cout << "slowest time: " << max << endl;       cout << "# above mean: " << abovea << endl;       cout << "# below mean: " << belowa << endl;       cout << "# above median: " << abovem << endl;       cout << "# below median: " << belowm << endl;       cout << endl;  system("pause"); return exit_success; }  void insertion_sort(horse x[],int length){  horse key; int i; for(int j=1;j<length;j++) {  key= x[j];  i=j-1;  while(x[i].gettime()>key.gettime() && i>=0)   {            x[i+1]=x[i];      i--;  }  x[i+1]=key; } } 

first, can't use double subscript array, soahorse[x].gettime()won't work, arrays has subscripted using integers. think it, element wouldahorse[9.5]refer to?

second, modulus operator%only works integers. use fmod if want mod on double

third, arrays indexed starting zero, access toahorse[10]in median part accessing array outside it's bound , invalid memory access last element of thehorse ahorse[10]array isahorse[9].

there might other issues, ones mentioned above ones spotted @ first glance.


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