c++ - Arduino Library Error, Class name hasn't been defined -

i'm trying run circular buffer class on arduino. wrote class on c++ ide, , compiled , ran fine. copy/pasted .cpp , .h files arduino project folder, next .ino file. when tried run, got (http://i.imgur.com/yhrh7ml.png) error.

the .h file:

#include <stdint.h> #include <arduino.h> #include "circbuff.cpp"  #ifndef circbuff_h #define circbuff_h  #define buff_length 128  /**  * circular buffer class.  * has preset maximum size of buff_length bytes  * uses byte array of size buff_length store data.  * has start flag , end flag show start , end of our virtual buffer inside of main array.  * whenever write byte buffer, adds byte index of "endflag", , moves end flag along  * when call readbyte(), removes first byte in our buffer (at index of "startflag"), moves start flag  */ class circbuff {   public:     circbuff(); //constructs new circular buffer object      uint16_t getlength(); //returns number of bytes inside of our circular buffer      //functions read , write single bytes     void writebyte(uint8_t newbyte); //writes single byte end of array (to index of end flag, moves end flag forward)     uint8_t seekbyte(); //returns first byte of buffer (at index of start flag)     uint8_t seekbyte(uint16_t offset); //returns byte @ given index of buffer (at index of start flag + offset)     uint8_t readbyte(); //returns first byte of buffer , clears byte buffer (increments start flag)      //functions read , write multiple bytes     void writebytes(uint8_t* newbuff, uint16_t count); //writes given array end of buffer, count being length of given array     void seekbytes(uint8_t* newbuff, uint16_t count); //reads first bytes (as many count) of buffer given array. "count" needs equal length of array given. function reads bytes , writes them given array     void readbytes(uint8_t* newbuff, uint16_t count); //reads first "count" bytes of buffer , writes them given array. clears bytes read array (by moving start flag).      //these should used debugging     uint8_t readfromarray(uint16_t index);//returns byte index "index" of array "buff"     uint16_t getstartflag(); //returns index of start flag.     uint16_t getendflag(); //returns index of end flag.    private:     //when length of array zero, start flag , end flag @ same position.     //there no data @ index of end flag.     //the first byte @ index "start". last byte before index "end".     uint16_t startf;//the start flag. keeps track of start of imaginary array inside "buff"     uint16_t endf;//the end flag. keeps track of end of imaginary array inside "buff"     uint8_t buff[buff_length]; //the array contains of our data };  #endif 

the .cpp file:

#include <circbuff.h>  #define buff_length 128  //constructor circbuff::circbuff(){}  //destructor //circbuff::~circbuff(){}  //returns number of bytes inside of our circular buffer uint16_t circbuff::getlength() {   if(startf <= endf) return (endf-startf); //if start flag comes before end flag, length difference between end , start   else return ( ( endf + buff_length ) - startf); //else start flag comes after end flag, means data rolls over, calculate accordingly }  //writes single byte end of array void circbuff::writebyte(uint8_t newbyte) {   buff[endf] = newbyte; //add new byte end   endf = ( (endf + 1) % buff_length ); //increment end flag }  //returns first byte of buffer uint8_t circbuff::seekbyte() {   if(getlength() > 0) return buff[startf]; //the if makes sure have data in buffer   else return 0;   }  //returns byte @ given index of buffer uint8_t circbuff::seekbyte(uint16_t offset) {   if(offset < getlength()) return buff[ (startf + offset)%buff_length ]; //if we're not trying byte outside of our buffer, return byte @ buffer index "offset"   else return 0;  //if we're trying byte outside our buffer, return 0 }  //returns first byte of buffer , clears byte buffer uint8_t circbuff::readbyte() {   if(getlength() > 0) //as long there data in our buffer   {     uint16_t tmp = startf;     startf = (startf+1) % buff_length;     return buff[tmp];   }   else return 0; //if there isn't data in our buffer, return 0 }  //writes given array end of buffer, count being length of given array //the "count" needs equal length of array given. //has no protection against being given wrong count or size of newbuff void circbuff::writebytes(uint8_t* newbuff, uint16_t count) {   for(int = 0; < count; i++)//for every byte have in new array   {     buff[endf] = newbuff[i]; //add new byte end     endf = (endf+1) % buff_length; //increment end flag   } }  //reads first bytes (as many count) of buffer given array. //the "count" needs equal length of array given. //the function reads bytes , writes them given array //has no protection against accidentally reading past endf flag //has no protection against being given wrong count or size of newbuff void circbuff::seekbytes(uint8_t* newbuff, uint16_t count) {   for(int = 0; < count; i++) //for every item in our out array   {     newbuff[i] = buff[(startf + i) % buff_length]; //set byte @ index "i" of our out array byte @ "i" after start flag in our array   } }  //reads first "count" bytes of buffer , writes them given array. //clears bytes read array (by moving start flag). //has no protection against accidentally reading past endf flag void circbuff::readbytes(uint8_t* newbuff, uint16_t count) {   for(int = 0; < count; i++)   {     newbuff[i] = buff[startf];//set byte @ index "i" of out array byte @ start of our array     startf = (startf+1) % buff_length;//increment end flag   } }  //debug methods uint8_t circbuff::readfromarray(uint16_t index) //returns byte index "index" array "buff" {   return buff[index]; }  //returns index of start flag uint16_t circbuff::getstartflag() {   return startf; } //returns index of end flag uint16_t circbuff::getendflag() {   return endf; } 

the .ino file:

#include "circbuff.h"  void setup() {     serial.println("setup."); }  void loop() {     serial.println("looping.");     delay(1000); } 

#include <stdint.h> #include <arduino.h> #include "circbuff.cpp" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< problem 

include .h file in .cpp` file, not other way around.

also, include in .cpp file should use quotes , not brackets.


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