reload - TypeError: $.fn.datagrid.methods[_6dc] is not a function -

firebug 2.0.6 showing jquery type error using jquery-easyui.

i know has been asked before , i've spent couple of hours ploughing through answers , i'm getting deeper , deeper.

has seen in firebug?

typeerror: $.fn.datagrid.methods[_6dc] not function...
return $.fn.datagrid.methods_6dc;

in on line 9523

i have copied code straight site follows:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    


function destroyuser(){   var row = $('#tbldata').datagrid('getselected');   if (row){     $.messager.confirm('confirm','are sure want destroy user?',function(r){       if (r){         $.post('destroy_user.php',{},function(result){           if (result.success){             $('#tbldata').datagrid('reload');  // reload user data           } else {               ${  // show error message               title: 'error',               msg: result.errormsg             });           }         },'json');       }     });   } } 

the function above delete record except $('#tbldata').datagrid('reload'); not work.

i can't believe there link between these 2 issues. solved problem location.reload();, there's surely better way, right?


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