excel - How to make multiple requests to Yahoo Finance to get around the 200 stock limit? -

i have developed excel sheet (with online tutorial) pulls stock information yahoo finance. here code have far:

private sub btnrefresh_click() dim w worksheet: set w = activesheet dim last integer: last = w.range("a1000").end(xlup).row if last = 1 exit sub dim symbols string dim integer = 2 200     symbols = symbols & w.range("a" & i).value & "+" next symbols = left(symbols, len(symbols) - 1)  dim url string: url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=" & symbols & "&f=sl1w1t8ee8rr5s6j4m6kjp5" dim http new winhttprequest http.open "get", url, false http.send  dim resp string: resp = http.responsetext dim lines variant: lines = split(resp, vbnewline) dim sline string = 0 ubound(lines)     sline = lines(i)     if instr(sline, ",") > 0         values = split(sline, ",")         w.cells(i + 2, 4).value = values(1)         w.cells(i + 2, 5).value = right(replace(values(2), chr(34), ""), 7)         w.cells(i + 2, 7).value = values(3)         w.cells(i + 2, 8).value = values(4)         w.cells(i + 2, 10).value = values(5)         w.cells(i + 2, 11).value = values(6)         w.cells(i + 2, 12).value = values(7)         w.cells(i + 2, 13).value = values(8)         w.cells(i + 2, 14).value = values(9)         w.cells(i + 2, 15).value = values(10)         w.cells(i + 2, 16).value = values(11)         w.cells(i + 2, 17).value = values(12)         w.cells(i + 2, 18).value = values(13)     end if next w.cells.columns.autofit end sub 

the problem having if have more 200 stock tickers in column a, comes error because cannot make request has more 200 ticker symbols. question how can modify code request information first 200 stocks put in data, move next 200 stocks , put in data , on until has gone through every symbol?

this version of function break requests maximum of 100 symbols @ time. results symbols collected resp before proceeding next phase.

note earlier response has bug: results symbols 200+ overwrite results first batch of symbols.

    private sub btnrefresh_click()     dim w worksheet: set w = activesheet     dim last integer: last = w.range("a1000").end(xlup).row     if last = 1 exit sub     dim symbols string     dim resp string     dim integer     dim url string     dim http winhttprequest     resp = ""     symbols = ""     = 2 last         if symbols <> "" symbols = symbols & "+"         symbols = symbols & w.range("a" & i).value         if mod 100 = 1 or = last       ' @ 100 symbols @ time             url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=" & symbols & "&f=sl1w1t8ee8rr5s6j4m6kjp5"             set http = new winhttprequest             http.open "get", url, false             http.send             resp = resp & http.responsetext             symbols = ""         end if     next     dim lines variant: lines = split(resp, vbnewline)     '' remaining code unchanged 



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