C++ Bubble Sorting and Comparing -

i've done bit of code try , sort list of movies either year, name or votes when run application not sort. wondering went wrong. believe might have movie movie.

update: i've fixed somewhat, sorting first 10 or 20 items on list not sort rest. i've checked cout if there wrong loops , seems go 0-248 fine.

enum moviesortorder {     by_year = 0,     by_name = 1,     by_votes = 2 };  int movie::comparebyvotes(movie m) {     if (m.get_votes() == this->get_votes()) {         return 0;     } else if (m.get_votes() > this->get_votes()) {         return 1;     } else {         return -1;     } }  int movie::comparebyyear(movie m) {     if (m.get_year() == this->get_year()) {         return 0;     } else if (m.get_year() > this->get_year()) {         return 1;     } else {         return -1;     } }  int movie::comparebyname(movie m) {     string = m.get_name();     string b = this->get_name();     if (a[0] = b[0]) {         return 0;     } else if (a[0] > b[0]) {         return 1;     } else if (a[0] < b[0]) {         return -1;     } }  int movie::compareto(movie m, moviesortorder n) {     if (n == 0) {         return comparebyyear(m);     } else if (n == 1) {         return comparebyname(m);     } else if (n == 2) {         return comparebyvotes(m);     } }    bool movielist::movelargesttoend(moviesortorder n) {     bool changed = false;     (int = 0; < last_movie_index; i++) {         //cout << << endl;         if (movies->compareto(movies[i], n) > movies->compareto(movies[i + 1], n)) {             swap(movies[i], movies[i + 1]);             changed = true;         }     }     return changed; }  void movielist::bubblesort(moviesortorder n) {     (int = 0; < last_movie_index; i++) {         if (!movelargesttoend(n)) {             return;         }     } } 

this line problem:

 if (a[0] = b[0]) 

it assignment, not comparison. true/false comes value of b[0].

that first if in movie::comparebyname(movie m)


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