c# - Modify image programmatically using Caliburn.Micro -

i want apply effect/filter image displayed in view, in memory (without saving image file).

i using caliburn.micro mvvm framework.

i have view:

<usercontrol x:class="testapplication.views.mainview"              xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"              xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"              xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"              xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"              mc:ignorable="d"              d:designheight="300"              d:designwidth="300">     <grid>         <grid.columndefinitions>             <columndefinition width="*" />             <columndefinition width="0.3*" />         </grid.columndefinitions>          <image             grid.column="0"             stretch="uniform"             source="{binding previewurl}"             margin="5"             x:name="preview" />          <contentcontrol             grid.column="1"             margin="5"             x:name="imagemanagement" />     </grid> </usercontrol> 

and viewmodel:

namespace testapplication.viewmodels {     using system;     using system.componentmodel.composition;     using system.linq;     using caliburn.micro;     using imageprocessor;     using imageprocessor.plugins.popart;     using propertychanged;     using testapplication.events;     using testapplication.models;      [implementpropertychanged]     [export(typeof(mainviewmodel))]     public class mainviewmodel : propertychangedbase, ihandle<fileselectedevent>, ihandle<filterchangedevent>     {         private readonly ieventaggregator events;          private bool hascustomimage = false;          [importingconstructor]         public mainviewmodel(ieventaggregator events)         {             this.events = events;             this.events.subscribe(this);              this.imagemanagement = new imagemanagementviewmodel(events);             this.imagemanagement.settingsenabled = false;             this.previewurl = "pack://application:,,,/resources/placeholder.jpg";         }          public imagemanagementviewmodel imagemanagement { get; set; }          public string previewurl { get; set; }          public void handle(filterchangedevent message)         {             this.applyfilter(new filter(message));         }          public void handle(fileselectedevent message)         {             this.previewurl = message.filepath;             this.hascustomimage = true;             this.imagemanagement.settingsenabled = true;              this.applyfilter(filter.default);         }          private void applyfilter(filter filter)         {             if (this.hascustomimage)             {                 using (imagefactory factory = new imagefactory())                 {                     factory.load(this.previewurl);                     // todo: apply filter using factory                      // todo: use processed image                 }             }         }     } } 

in applyfilter method, need bind processed system.drawing.image view's image source, have absolutely no idea how (i'm not familiar wpf aspects yet).

using @charleh's comments , various other posts, have been able find how how should work :

<image     grid.column="0"     stretch="uniform"     margin="5"     source="{binding preview}" /> 

public class mainviewmodel : propertychangedbase, ihandle<fileselectedevent>, ihandle<warholfilterchangedevent> {     private readonly ieventaggregator events;      private bool hascustomimage = false;      private string sourceurl;      [importingconstructor]     public mainviewmodel(ieventaggregator events)     {         this.events = events;         this.events.subscribe(this);          this.imagemanagement = new imagemanagementviewmodel(events);         this.imagemanagement.warholsettingsenabled = false;          this.preview = new bitmapimage(new uri("pack://application:,,,/resources/placeholder.jpg"));     }      public imagemanagementviewmodel imagemanagement { get; set; }      public bitmapimage preview { get; set; }      public void handle(warholfilterchangedevent message)     {         this.applyfilter(new warholfilter(message));     }      public void handle(fileselectedevent message)     {         this.sourceurl = message.filepath;         this.hascustomimage = true;         this.imagemanagement.warholsettingsenabled = true;          this.applyfilter(warholfilter.default);     }      private void applyfilter(warholfilter filter)     {         if (this.hascustomimage)         {             using (imagefactory factory = new imagefactory())             {                 factory.load(this.sourceurl);                 polychromaticparameters parameters = new polychromaticparameters();                 parameters.number = filter.colorsnumber;                 parameters.colors = filter.colors.select(c => system.drawing.color.fromargb(c.r, c.g, c.b)).toarray();                 parameters.thresholds = filter.thresholds.toarray();                 factory.polychromatic(parameters);                  bitmapimage img = new bitmapimage();                 using (memorystream str = new memorystream())                 {                     img.begininit();                     img.cacheoption = bitmapcacheoption.onload;                     factory.save(str);                     str.seek(0, seekorigin.begin);                     img.streamsource = str;                     img.endinit();                 }                  this.preview = img;             }         }     } } 


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