uml - Use-case specification of included use-case -

does know how describe (specify) use-case includes usecase in use-case specification table? example, have use-case "change password" includes use-case "login" (this example, know login should in pre-condition of use-case) may specify this?

use-case identity: change password

actor: user

pre-condition: ...

normal flow:

  1. do use-case "login"

  2. ....

  3. ....

  4. ....

what proper way specify use-case includes use-case?

it depends on further rules , conventions used "use-case specification table" document. consult company documents rules (and examples).

overall yes, approach valid.

the "login" use case might invoked implicitly if you'd move "pre-condition: user logged-in"

even free text without software requirements management tool consider using "name , unique-number" referencing best practice

to wrap head around i'd recommend (among other google-able resources) read alistair cockburn's book "writing effective use cases", draft version available online on site -

edit: after @bobrodes's challenge share alternative methodology

for more serious work consider using requirements management tool, or @ least evaluate tools adopt best practices support/recommend.

for 1 example see link below explaining how sparx systems enterprise architect formalizes work use cases , how use case traceability works , how can generate documentation, uml activity diagram etc.

sparx systems: model-driven use case analysis structured scenarios, webinar august 2013, 18min video

enter image description here

for example of managing use case traceability , happens after use cases written see

jama software: jama recorded demo, 30min video

enter image description here


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