.net - The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Portable\Microsoft.Portable.CSharp.targets" was not found -

when compiling, error

the imported project "c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\portable\microsoft.portable.csharp.targets" not found.

if comment out, get

the <targetframeworkidentifier> portable project must .netportable.

have ideas is? supposed go?

also, oddly portable directory in first error not exist on hard drive anywhere. know how put back? on main pc too...

it occurs version of vs (13 , 15) , have uninstalled , re-installed vs.

vs installation logs indicated not find portable class update , failed update it. thought directly related portable directory missing. there reason this. i'll try , installer logs failure.

after looking @ log file appears have registry issue.

set_warning: pkgdef encountered data collision in section &apos;hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\visualstudio\12.0_config\newprojecttemplates\templatedirs\{fe426dcb-ff5c-44a9-b84d-24cf031ba095}\/1&apos; value &apos;&apos; source="visualstudio"



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