c# - Human readable URL Scheme for ASP.NET MVC -
my asp site has database full of events. currently, action on controller linking particular event has url like: "mysite.com/events/5"
this default behavior, , i'm looking how make url more like: "mysite.com/events/some-event-name-that-makes-sense
i have plenty of properties on event entity map url, not sure how apply it, , how allow action find when linking it.
what you're referring called slug. however, can't use old property on model stuff url. typically, you'll have separate property called slug
store url-safe version of title or name of object. once you've done this, it's simple matter of using generate urls , objects.
for example, have had like:
url.action("events", new { id = item.id })
you'd use instead:
url.action("events", new { slug = item.slug })
then, modify action accept slug instead of id , use query event:
public actionresult eventdetail(string slug) { var evt = db.events.singleordefault(m => m.slug == slug); ...
the slight hitch need way generate slug save rest of event data. have following extension methods use:
public static string removediacritics(this string s) { s = s ?? string.empty; if (s.length > 0) { char[] chars = new char[s.length]; int charindex = 0; s = s.normalize(normalizationform.formd); (int = 0; < s.length; i++) { char c = s[i]; if (charunicodeinfo.getunicodecategory(c) != unicodecategory.nonspacingmark) chars[charindex++] = c; } return new string(chars, 0, charindex).normalize(normalizationform.formc); } return s; } public static string slugify(this string s) { s = s ?? string.empty; //first lower case s = s.tolowerinvariant().removediacritics(); //replace spaces s = regex.replace(s, @"\s", "-", regexoptions.compiled); //remove invalid chars s = regex.replace(s, @"[^a-z0-9s\-_]", "", regexoptions.compiled); //trim dashes end s = s.trim('-', '_'); //replace double occurences of - or _ s = regex.replace(s, @"([\-_]){2,}", "$1", regexoptions.compiled); return s; }
so, then, you'd like:
evt.slug = evt.title.slugify();
and/or can make editable field in admin/cms.
javascript version
var mynamespace = mynamespace || {}; mynamespace.utilities = {}; mynamespace.utilities.removediacritics = (function () { var diacritics = { "\u24b6": "a", "\uff21": "a", "\u00c0": "a", "\u00c1": "a", "\u00c2": "a", "\u1ea6": "a", "\u1ea4": "a", "\u1eaa": "a", "\u1ea8": "a", "\u00c3": "a", "\u0100": "a", "\u0102": "a", "\u1eb0": "a", "\u1eae": "a", "\u1eb4": "a", "\u1eb2": "a", "\u0226": "a", "\u01e0": "a", "\u00c4": "a", "\u01de": "a", "\u1ea2": "a", "\u00c5": "a", "\u01fa": "a", "\u01cd": "a", "\u0200": "a", "\u0202": "a", "\u1ea0": "a", "\u1eac": "a", "\u1eb6": "a", "\u1e00": "a", "\u0104": "a", "\u023a": "a", "\u2c6f": "a", "\ua732": "aa", "\u00c6": "ae", "\u01fc": "ae", "\u01e2": "ae", "\ua734": "ao", "\ua736": "au", "\ua738": "av", "\ua73a": "av", "\ua73c": "ay", "\u24b7": "b", "\uff22": "b", "\u1e02": "b", "\u1e04": "b", "\u1e06": "b", "\u0243": "b", "\u0182": "b", "\u0181": "b", "\u24b8": "c", "\uff23": "c", "\u0106": "c", "\u0108": "c", "\u010a": "c", "\u010c": "c", "\u00c7": 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"4", "\uff14": "4", "\u2074": "4", "\u2084": "4", "\u2779": "4", "\u2477": "4", "\u248c": "5", "\u2085": "5", "\u24f9": "5", "\u2478": "5", "\u277a": "5", "\u2464": "5", "\uff15": "5", "\u2075": "5", "\u2479": "6", "\u2076": "6", "\uff16": "6", "\u277b": "6", "\u2086": "6", "\u2465": "6", "\u24fa": "6", "\u248d": "6", "\uff17": "7", "\u2077": "7", "\u277c": "7", "\u24fb": "7", "\u248e": "7", "\u2087": "7", "\u247a": "7", "\u2466": "7", "\u2467": "8", "\u248f": "8", "\u24fc": "8", "\u247b": "8", "\u2078": "8", "\uff18": "8", "\u277d": "8", "\u2088": "8", "\u24fd": "9", "\uff19": "9", "\u2490": "9", "\u277e": "9", "\u247c": "9", "\u2089": "9", "\u2468": "9", "\u2079": "9" }; return function (str) { if (typeof (str) == "undefined") return ''; var chars = str.split(''), = chars.length - 1, alter = false, ch; (; >= 0; i--) { ch = chars[i]; if (diacritics.hasownproperty(ch)) { chars[i] = diacritics[ch]; alter = true; } } if (alter) { str = chars.join(''); } return str; } })(); mynamespace.utilities.slugify = function (input) { if (input == null) input = ''; return mynamespace.utilities.removediacritics(input) .replace(/^\s\s*/, '') // trim start .replace(/\s\s*$/, '') // trim end .tolowercase() // camel case bad .replace(/[^a-z0-9_\-\s]+/g, '') // exchange invalid chars .replace(/[\-\s_]+/g, '-'); // swap whitespace single hyphen }
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