java - Firing bullet from gun's current position to mouse x & y position -
please i'm kinda lost in coding.
so i've created bullet class:
package javagame.states; import org.newdawn.slick.color; import org.newdawn.slick.gamecontainer; import; import org.newdawn.slick.image; import org.newdawn.slick.input; import org.newdawn.slick.slickexception; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.vector2f; import org.newdawn.slick.state.statebasedgame; public class bullet { private vector2f pos; private vector2f speed; private int lived = 0; private boolean aktiv = true; private static int max_lifetime = 2000; public bullet (vector2f pos, vector2f speed){ this.pos = pos; this.speed = speed; } public bullet(){ aktiv = false; } public void update(int t){ rotation++; if(aktiv){ vector2f realspeed = speed.copy(); realspeed.scale((t/1000.0f)); pos.add(realspeed); lived += t; if(lived > max_lifetime) aktiv = false; } } public void init(gamecontainer gc, statebasedgame sbg) throws slickexception{ } public void render(gamecontainer gc, graphics g) throws slickexception { if(aktiv){ g.setcolor(; g.filloval(pos.getx(), pos.gety(), 10, 10); } } public boolean isaktiv(){ return aktiv; } }
then called bullet class here in robot class:
package javagame.states; import java.util.iterator; import java.util.linkedlist; import org.newdawn.slick.gamecontainer; import; import org.newdawn.slick.input; import org.newdawn.slick.slickexception; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.vector2f; import org.newdawn.slick.state.basicgamestate; import org.newdawn.slick.state.statebasedgame; public class robot2 extends basicgamestate{ private linkedlist<bullet> bullets; @override public void init(gamecontainer gc, statebasedgame sbg) throws slickexception { bullets = new linkedlist<bullet>(); } @override public void render(gamecontainer gc, statebasedgame sbg, graphics g) throws slickexception { for(bullet b : bullets){ b.render(gc, g); } } @override public void update(gamecontainer gc, statebasedgame sbg, int delta) throws slickexception { iterator<bullet> = bullets.iterator(); while(i.hasnext()){ bullet b =; if(b.isaktiv()){ b.update(delta); }else{ i.remove(); } } input input = gc.getinput(); int mousex = input.getmousex(); int mousey = input.getmousey(); int xdistance = (int) (robotx() + robotwidth() / 2 - mousex); //robotx robot image x position same roboty int ydistance = (int) (roboty() + robotheight() / 2 - mousey); double angletoturn = math.todegrees(math.atan2(ydistance, xdistance)); if(mousex != 0){ angletoturn += 270; }else{ if(mousey != 0) angletoturn += 180; } robot.setrotation((float) angletoturn); //robot image. didn't included code here shorten codes if(gc.getinput().ismousepressed(input.mouse_left_button)){ bullets.add(new bullet(new vector2f(sprites.getrobotx(), sprites.getroboty()), new vector2f(mousex, mousey))); } } @override public int getid() { return states.robot;// has integer value } }
the robot rotating according mouse's cursor movement when hit mouse's left button fire bullet, doesn't follow mouse's cursor location. i've got when run these codes , pressing left button of mouse. please check sample image.
what want achieve correct direction of bullet according mouse cursor location.
any greately appreciated. thank much.
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