rally - How do I query for tag names with :find in SnapshotStore store config -
i trying setup filter similar defect view within trend chart. filter in defect view is:
(state < closed) , (severity <= major) , (tags !contains not stop ship)
i cannot seem tags find work correctly. suggestions?
this.mytrendchart = ext.create('rally.ui.chart.chart', { storetype: 'rally.data.lookback.snapshotstore', storeconfig: { find: { _typehierarchy: "defect", state: { $lt: "closed" }, severity: { $lte: "major" }, tags: { $ne: "not stop ship" }, _projecthierarchy: projectoid }, hydrate: ["priority"], fetch: ["_validfrom", "_validto", "objectid", "priority"] }, calculatortype: 'my.trendcalc', calculatorconfig: {}, chartconfig: { chart: { zoomtype: 'x', type: 'line' }, title: { text: 'defects on time' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', mintickinterval: 3 }, yaxis: { title: { text: 'number of defects' } } } });
based on reviewing json messages, figured out tag needed objectid. once found this, replaced "not stop ship" objectid value , filter worked correctly.
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