How to do set sessionflash if SQLSTATE[23000] foreign key cakephp -

i have 2 tables:


when try delete product_categories shows following error:

sqlstate[23000] integrity constraint violation: 1451 cannot delete or update parent row: foreign key constraint fails  

i want set session flash if error?

its hard answer without actual code have written here generic answer based on little have shared. more detail found @ cake website @ this link

assuming calling controller

if ($this->productcategory->deleteall(array('conditions' => array('id' => $someid)) {     // else - set success flash message     $this->session->setflash('something good.', 'default', array(), 'good'); } else {     // error occurred     $this->session->setflash('something bad.', 'default', array(), 'bad'); } 

you can cascade deletes child tables setting additional parameter in delete statement above - found @ same link. if cascade deletes statement below - notice true second parameter

if ($this->productcategory->deleteall(array('conditions' => array('id' => $someid), true) {     // else - set success flash message     $this->session->setflash('successfully deleted product category', 'default'); } else {     // error occurred     $this->session->setflash('cannot delete product category. products still using category.', 'default'); } 

also suggest not enforce integrity constraints in database - nothing wrong make logic more complex.


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