java - Incorrectly Reading Serial Using RXTX in Ubuntu -
i reading accelerometer signals connected arduino board through serial interface. using rxtx library , following code.
private void initializeserial() { commportidentifier portid = null; enumeration portenum = commportidentifier.getportidentifiers(); while (portenum.hasmoreelements()) { commportidentifier currentportidentifier = (commportidentifier) portenum.nextelement(); (string portname : port_names) { if (currentportidentifier.getname().equals(portname)) { portid = currentportidentifier; break; } } } if (portid == null) { system.out.println("port not found"); return; } try { serialport = (serialport), 2000); serialport .setserialportparams(115200, serialport.databits_8, serialport.stopbits_1, serialport.parity_none); input = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(serialport.getinputstream())); output = serialport.getoutputstream(); serialport.addeventlistener(this); serialport.notifyondataavailable(true); } catch (exception e) { system.err.println("initialization failed : " + e.tostring()); } } @override public void serialevent(serialportevent event) { if (event.geteventtype() == serialportevent.data_available) { try { string inputline = input.readline(); string[] inputvalues = inputline.split(","); system.out.println(inputline); if (inputvalues.length == 10 && inputvalues[0].equals("stx") && inputvalues[inputvalues.length - 1].equals("etx")) { double classid = 0; double accx = 0; double accy = 0; double accz = 0; boolean num_error = false; try { classid = integer.parseint(txtclassid.gettext()); accx = double.parsedouble(inputvalues[2]); accy = double.parsedouble(inputvalues[4]); accz = double.parsedouble(inputvalues[6]); num_error = false; } catch (numberformatexception numex) { num_error = true; } if (recording) { if (!num_error) { gesturelist.add(new double[] { classid, accx, accy, accz }); system.out.println("classid : " + classid + " \tadding : "+ accx +","+ accy+","+ accz); } system.out.println("classid : " + classid + " \tadding : " + accx + accy + accz); } else { if (gesturelist.size() > 0) { gesturecollection.add(gesturelist); system.out.println("segment :" + (gesturecollection.size()) + " items : " + gesturelist.size()); txtsegments.append("segment " + (gesturecollection.size()) + "\titems : " + gesturelist.size() + "\n"); // combosegments.additem(gesturecollection.size()); gesturelist = new arraylist<>(); } } txtrawdata.append(inputline + "\n"); } } catch (exception ex) { ex.printstacktrace(); } } }
the problem have that, i'm reading values in windows environment perfectly, without issues. in ubuntu data damaged , partially read. here java console output when did in ubuntu.
these correct readings.
stx,16564.00,16565.65,-352.00,-431.09,-17840.00,-17941.79,-178.64,-42.72,etx stx,16524.00,16562.53,-440.00,-431.76,-17848.00,-17934.75,-178.63,-42.73,etx stx,16572.00,16563.24,-420.00,-430.88,-17992.00,-17939.05,-178.64,-42.72,etx
but readings too. (in considerable amount)
why happen, can read in windows , not in ubuntu.
any please? thank you.
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