Batch - Countup Timer -
i'm trying make countup timer in batch , far, have this
:timer set time=0 :time set /a time=%time%+1 ping localhost -n 2 >nul goto time
the problem is, want run @ same time event happening in same batch file. how can this?
are wanting time how long takes execute batch script? if have powershell installed can use measure-command
save timeit.bat
@echo off >~timeit-%~n1.bat echo(%* powershell "measure-command {start-process ~timeit-%~n1.bat -wait}" del ~timeit-%~n1.bat
then when want time execution of something, say, systeminfo
, timeit systeminfo
if prefer non-powershell solution (as powershell takes several annoying seconds prime in first run per windows session), here's faster batch / jscript hybrid solution (more info). executes command in same window, whereas powershell solution spawns new window command. save timer.bat
@if (@a==@b) @end /* begin multiline jscript comment :: timer.bat command args :: measures execution time of command @echo off & setlocal if "%~1"=="" ( echo usage: %~nx0 command args goto :eof ) cscript /nologo /e:jscript "%~f0" %* goto :eof :: end batch portion / begin jscript */ var osh = new activexobject(''), cmd = [], b4 = new date(); (var i=0; i<wsh.arguments.length; i++) { var arg = wsh.arguments(i); cmd.push(/\s/.test(arg) ? '"' + arg + '"' : arg); } var exe = osh.exec('cmd /c ' + cmd.join(' ')); while(!exe.stdout.atendofstream) wsh.echo(exe.stdout.readline()) var x = (new date() - b4) / 1000, d = math.floor(x / 86400), d = d ? d + ' days ' : '', h = ('0' + (math.floor(x / 3600) % 24)).slice(-2), m = ('0' + (math.floor(x / 60) % 60)).slice(-2), s = math.floor(x % 60) + x % 1, s = (s < 10) ? '0'+s : s; wsh.echo('\r\nexecution completed in ' + d + h + ':' + m + ':' + s);
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