android - Tests fail when device screen is sleeping -
i trying run calabash tests on android device. if manually turn screen before running tests works. on nexus 4 if turn screen off , try run tests first scenario times out waiting elements appear. on galaxy nexus if start tests screen off calabash wakes device , tests pass.
are there devices calabash cannot wake up? nexus 4 1 of these? turning on devices manually not feasible since run these tests on many devices.
i have found outdated references issue. post 2012 adam niedzielski @!topic/calabash-android/o6luueougte suggests following hook in app_life_cycle_hooks.rb
include calabash::android::operations afterconfiguration |config| wake_up end
but code added ruby-gem/bin/calabash-android
in calabash explicitly disallows inclusion of operations
module: guess no longer recommended approach. if remove include , type calabash::android::operations.wake_up
i've run error , ended setting screen timeout longer minute , running method before starting tests:
def self.turn_on_screen(device_serial_number) # switches on android devices screen if isn’t on. if `adb -s #{device_serial_number} shell dumpsys input_method | grep mscreenon`.include? 'false' `adb -s #{device_serial_number} shell input keyevent keycode_power` end end
this turn simulate keypress of power button if screen isn't on. i've used on 4 different devices , not had issues far it'll work you.
it may worth noting i've turned lockscreens off the devices.
edit: after update lollipop had add in check. using both seems trick on of test devices.
if `adb shell dumpsys input_method | grep minteractive`.include? 'false' `adb shell input keyevent keycode_power` end
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